Cut Their Hair (hair, make up, & nails DON'T make a WARRIOR)

Make woman cut their hair shorter if they serve in: space force, air force, military, and navy.
Like seriously in the naked line of war could you imagine " wait boys i have to put my hair up, sitting in a fox hole hold up let me fix my makeup :skull_and_crossbones:" jokes aside the hairs gotta go it’s not a civil right like for real hair gets in the way of performance.

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That would be a silly thing to mandate. I doubt very much that women in the middle of war would be concerned about makeup or hair. They would be concerned with staying alive.


Length and style of hair is already mandated in each branch accordingly. Its enforced as the “Grooming standard” and speaks more to professionalism than practicality. Ridiculous suggestion over all.


that was joke…
i was more of worried about hair knotting and catching, i have long hair i don;t think i could keep it as tame as it ought to be, men can’t even where long hair but woman can. I think that’s ridiculous.

woman don’t have to cut their hair in all branches from what i’ve seen. They need army cuts for hygiene and mute safety issues in comabat that’s all.