Cut the Pork in Legislation, Pass RULE 4543

Bills that are put forward in congress are far too long, often times being put forward without law makers even having time to read them, let alone the public. They are often full of unrelated “wish list” items for both sides.
Bills should be precise and concise. Our founding fathers managed to write our US Constitution using 4, 543 words and our lawmakers should not need more words than that document for any single bill. If they are unable to write a given bill at 4543 or less then it should be broken into two separate bills and voted on separately. This should help ensure laws are clear, law makers have time to thoroughly read all bills put forward and for We The People to provide feedback before a vote takes place.


EACH BILL should have to stand alone and explain how it is Constitutional before even being considered and NOTHING should be “attached” to the bill such as money for absurd research such as hens that lay eggs.


I want to believe that this is actually a good idea but history tells me that people would find a way to BS their way to explaining the constitutionality of even the worst bills.

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I agree with stand-alone bills.
No more dog-ears, ear-marks, paperclips, or whatever new names they are called. Only Stand-alone bills.


BS and BS artists will forever be found in politics much less life, but EXPOSING THAT BS is the job of CONGRESS and do their JOB THEY MUST or THROW THEM OUT. The CONSTITUTIONAL verification debate and VOTE on all bills must be made public. LINE ITEM VETO must also be given to the President but take away the EXECUTIVE POWER to be involved in direct discussion about the budget: THAT is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
The Constitution does state exactly what TAXES pay for and boy, has ignoring that been made a corrupt criminal anti-AMERICAN boondoggle.
Congress will never accept term limits, but it may accept age limits - and 69 is about right (except we could want to keep people such as Senator Grassley!!)


95% of Congress are the BS. They are the reason these bills happen. To line their pockets from their lobbyists and special interest groups like AIPAC. No dual citizenship either.


They should all stand alone, no add on or other wants! And yes, We the People should get to vote as well, yes it will take time, but We should have a say so. I think if it was done this way there would be far less waste of our tax dollars, but you know “they” wouldn’t like that at all.

when i worked for the government – my reports had to have a single page ‘executive summary’ as the first page…looks like we need to bring this requirement to all bills in congress – ESPECIALLY for the budget!!

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