I am for the death penalty. My only trepidation about it is that too many people are wrongly convicted of crimes they didn’t commit. Therefore, I propose adding to the criminal justice system a new category of guilty. We would have both “proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt” & “proven guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt.” This way, when the evidence is incontrovertible, such a conviction can be easily differentiated from convicts only proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. That way, there will be less trepidation about sentencing someone to death.
Makes sense. It’s kinda hard to open the jail cell door and free someone who is later proven innocent of their crimes, when they are lying in the morgue after improper lethal injection. For the rest who are absolutely guilty of capital offenses (including murder and high treason), let them push up daisies. My two cents.
When someone is found to have been innocent and then released anything that happened while they were in prison is to not be held against them. If they hadn’t been put in prison they never would have had been exposed to the evil inside those walls.
Even if said person woke up with a bad hair day for being in such an evil prison, and decided to send his bunk mate to the county morgue (who was also innocent of his crimes but wrongly put in prison), over an argument regarding a cube of jello on a lunch tray?
Fact is, that innocent guy who was sent to the morgue, didn’t have his right to Life suspended just because someone ELSE was also wrongly convicted. See the problem here? Crimes don’t suddenly evaporate when you get locked in a prison.