Creating a Federal Policy for Emergency Abortions to save the Life of the Mother

Create a federal policy that requires states to allow/perform emergency abortions to save mothers who are in desperate need of abortion care to save their lives.

The common exemptions would include:
Life of the Mother to prevent substantial or irreversible damage to a major bodily function or Death

Any doctor that makes the decision to not perform the operation of the emergency abortion results in the following:
Charged for the crime of malpractice due to not following their oath to do no harm.

Or in the result of death charges could include:
Manslaughter or other penalties as deemed by the courts

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I proposed a very similar proposal.

You are right that federal exceptions need teeth. We need to hold medical providers accountable when they endanger women’s lives.

Here is my proposal. Please consider it?

FYI - the very first paragraph summarizes the whole idea, and the actual content of my proposal comes after a few disclaimer paragraphs/my MAHA letter: RIGHT TO MATERNAL/FETAL HEALTHCARE & EDUCATION to stabilize the abortion issue