Create Laws to Manufacture Products that Last to Reduce Waste ♻️

Want to be Eco-Friendly? :recycle:
Create laws to manufacturer products that last to reduce waste.

This is an unbelievable cause of garbage waste with many products breaking within 1 to 2 years. How many broken products are in landfills right now?

How much energy, and resources, does it take to keep making new ones?

I have products, and tools, made in the 80’s and 90’s, that still work, and are better quality than many of their same counterparts today.

Many products are purposefully engineered with weak points, to create disposable products, that need to be replaced, every few years.

This is creating an enormous waste of both trash in landfills, in addition to the energy, and resources, to manufacture more of them.

Companies purposely creating these products should be held accountable.
-Bret :dizzy::sparkles::star2:


yes indeed.

additionnally, make repairing more interesting. by forcing enterprises to provide parts for a long time, and separating components from each other.

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Yes, your response happened to me today.

I purchased a product with a lifetime warranty in 2021 that broke,

The large corporation everyone knows, put me on hold, and transferred me around 3 times, to tell me they do not have them anymore, after almost an hour on the phone. They keep changing the parts, so the warranty is worthless.
-Bret :dizzy::sparkles::star2: