Contraception Access and Education

Implement a policy that universally allows for contraception access to women and men alike. Contraception being defined as: Any method in which women or men are able to reduce the risk of a pregnancy or mitigate the chance of pregnancy all together, included but not limited to, birth control pills/patches, plan B, tube ties, vasectomy, IUDs, implants, injections, condoms, vaginal rings, and spermicides. Universally being defined as the following: In any county, at least one clinic must have a program to educate upon and provide contraceptives to men and women within their state. Doing this not only creates a safer overall environment for couples but it would also provide a lessened need for abortions throughout the country, further helping to stabilize the issue. If contraceptives can be used to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, you as people who implement policies, get to allow the choice for people who want it while still remaining pro-life. This solution is about as middle of the road that I can personally find reasonable without major controversy.

Attached is the CDC listing of different contraceptives, National Library of Medicine listing of their risks/benefits, and more information that may not have been mentioned. To include two articles showing the correlation between contraception use and decreased abortion rates.

CDC Contraception List and their functions
National Library of Medicine Contraception Benefits and Risks
National Library of Medicine Contraception and Abortion Abstract
Demographic and Health Surveys Publication regarding trends of 12 different countries in contraception use and abortion rate correlation (2005, funded by US Agency for International Development)

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