Every day, americans are accosted by a torrent of unconstitutional bills,laws,edicts and rules put forth by members of congress,executive action or buricratic rule making. While the supreme court has done a great job at weeding out the most heinous and egregious of these. The court system is a long way from being efficient and timely with these decisions, and with that we see the rights of millions infringed for years and years before recourse. There is mountians of case law that has already ruled many of these actions unconstitutional yet that does not stop the persistant application of these so called laws. Particularly with federal agencies that wield their “rules” with the power of law. Our legal system works but not at the scale or pace needed to protect citizens from the abuse of their rights over the span of years. With this premise in mind, I propose the following as a measure to decrease the incidents of unconstitutional rules and law making; to alleviate the burden of the courts and in turn alleviate the citizenry.
All government personnel with any authority to propose law or rules with the weight of law are subject to a judicial review to conclude if they have multiple legislations or rules they have organized, voted for or otherwise endorsed have been ruled unconstitutional via supreme court or case law. If in these findings a pattern of repeat unconstitutional bills,rules or laws are found. The member has clearly diplayed a clear lack of understanding or a competant disregard for our constitution and thusly are removed from their office of governence or managment and barred from their office for repeated constitutional undermining. Lets say 3 offenses.
This would apply to individuals holding public office and federal organizations leadership, excluding any personell below leadership unless directly involved in some way. This would essentially act as a punch card of constitutional adherence.
Over and over they push unconstitutional legislation and rules with no reperucussions for them to stop and inevitably some will slip through the cracks only to be fought for years in the courts. With this I believe we can shore up the foundational document of our country and better protect its citizens by removing bad players.