Congressional representatives and senators pay will be the same as the meadian income of the state they represent.
(Effective on the first day of the first applicable pay period beginning on or after January 1, 2025)
The following elected representatives shall be paid the average salary of the state they represent:
- Senators
- Members of the House of Representatives
- Delegates to the House of Representatives
- Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico
- President pro tempore of the Senate
- Majority leader and minority leader of the Senate
- Majority leader and minority leader of the House
of Representatives - Speaker of the House of Representatives.
The median incomes will be based on the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics from the previous year.
Members will no longer receive pay increases based on experience. There will be no difference in the annual pay that new and senior members receive. Members will no longer receive a higher salary if he/she advances to a leadership position.
Members will not receive any health care plan that is not available to the public.
Members will recieve no pension aside from the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS). Members will receive salaries only during the terms for which they are elected.
Members will not recieve any specialty pay, housing allowance, incentive, or travel pay.
If budget deadlines are not met or the budget is in deficit all members will forfeit their entire salary for the year.
Members and their spouses will own no stocks and will be publicly audited every year they serve and for 15 years after leaving office.
Members will be barred for life from working for or sitting on any board of any company that they had a hand in legislating over either directly or indirectly.
Members can only serve two terms.
Ban Corporate PACs to prohibit for-profit corporations from influencing political campaigns and federal elections.
Cap individual donations to $500 or lower to reduce the influence of wealthy donors.
For each campaign promise not kept or addressed monthly, members will have their salary reduced by 25%.
If a member does not pass legislation, or repeal harmful legislation, each year of their term directly and demonstratbly effecting a positive economical benifit for their constituents that member will forfeit that years salary.
Prior Order Superseded: EXECUTIVE ORDER