Congressional Accountability

Currently, Congress police’s themselves, House Ethics Committee/ Senate Ethics Committee. There needs to be more. How many times do we hear reports, usually during campaigns, about how a Senator or Congressman is absent half the time, missing half the votes, etc… We the people deserve better. What other job has no attendance policy? What other job allows you to police yourself? There should be some standard operating policies that include attendance requirements. Maybe even a Civilian Oversight Board that makes disciplinary recommendations to the House or Senate, rather than their top secret ethics committee’s.


Interesting viewpoint. It could be possible to address the absentee voter issue by implementing a per diem pay structure. Congress was paid this way at one time if my understanding is correct. If you are unfamiliar with per diem, it is basically only getting paid when you show up and actually work. Allowing Congress to decide their own wages is lunacy!


They should record their time while in session . They should have term limits and NOT be provided benefits after . We have to pay for ours and live on social security amount AFTER cost of insurance is deducted. Anyone who became millionaires while in office should have all their assets confiscated and given back to the taxpayers !

List of those in office guilty of treason and be held accountable !! Let people see what happens to those tyrannical , coup d etat happens to them so it will never happen again