Congress shall not vote raises for themselves

Constitutional Amendment: When Congress or any other body paid with tax payer money proposes wage increases for themselves, it should be taken to the people for vote.


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Agreed. I have seen to many bills and reps that have not considered even one of the voters in their district in more than a year.

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If you head on over to this link ive proposed an act that would give elected officials the salary of their own constituants. If they have outside income, which most of them do, theyd beforced to pay back their salary lessening the burden on the taxpayer. All other income earned beyond that would be taxed at the highest rate at which their constituants are taxed.
Be a lot easier to care about who you represent if the policies you enact hurt you too.

Each district should be able to vote like proxy voting for shareholders

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All the time, the reps need to put it out to the public to vote on!! They know a year ahead of time I’m told before they even think about bringing the bill to the floor. Now If they pass a bill we don’t like it takes forever to get a petition to be approved then we have to get 1000’s of signatures then it takes forever to get approved again then it goes to legislation which could be a year or more this is RIDICULOUS this is all backwards when I called down to Lincoln Nebraska government employees they all agreed and I’ve talked to quit a few of them!!! Something has got to change!! I suppose I’ll have to get a petition started but like I said above it will be a months to get it approved!! I’m going to my representatives office as soon as possible to get help on this that is if I can get help from them going to try!!!

Oh I mentioned that they need to let the people know ahead of time and they said first there’s a place online but I told them the problem is not only is the site not public and also it goes by bill Number and the people don’t know the bill to look at the bill number it’s not user friendly maybe for the legislation government but a normal person it’s ridiculous to navigate!! I suggested using mail and they said it would be too expensive!!!