Completely Eliminate U.S. Department of Education

The Bible classifies Education of children as an office of Parents. While most parents have largely abdicated their responsibility in this area (though home schooling is growing every year), at a MINIMUM we should eliminate completely (and save all that bureaucratic waste of money) FEDERAL involvement in education and send that issue back to the individual States and local government to administer alone.

The BIGGEST threat to our Republic is secular humanist godless and now perverse public education.


The Bible should be irrelevant in this discussion, we don’t govern by religion here.


Clearly you are public school educated and have no idea how to argue logically. Your claim is FALSE for many reasons as your freedom is predicated on the God of the Bible (inalienable rights). Whether you honor or acknowledge Him or not is your own business. But STATES RUNNING EDUCATION NOT THE FEDS has ZERO to do with your pathetic and false argument…

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Last time I checked the states are government, so take your weird obsession with the old book of fables back to church where it belongs.


I disagree. The Bible is the only reliable standard to train by. God created our children. He has a plan and a purpose for each one of them. Our country was founded on its principals. The way to the happiest life is found in the Bible.


Richard, you’re clearly Christian-phobic, and full of anger and hatred for people with views you disagree. All I can say is you better get used to ALL people having a SAY, because I’m not going anywhere and I’m not shutting up. Your demons will have to get used to it, and if you ever want help getting free, I’ll happily pray for you and welcome you back into the Kingdom and family of God that He created because He loves you, regardless of your anger and hatred and bitterness. God bless.


I believe that states should have the power to set their own education laws and standards. By allowing each state to decide on its educational requirements, we can create a more responsive system that addresses the unique needs of each community. This also allows people to evaluate and compare states based on their educational outcomes and progress, fostering healthy competition and innovation. When the federal government steps back, it gives states more freedom to experiment and adapt, which ultimately benefits students and families. Local control brings accountability closer to the people it serves.


Our constitution sets a strong precedent for separation of church and state. We are not a Christian nationalist country. We are free to worship whomever we wish and as such I do not believe that state or federal money should fund a Christian centric education.

When it comes to states rights for public schools, some states do not generate enough funding through their taxes to cater to people that are single parents, or in financial poverty. Those children still deserve to have schooling. Not everyone can afford to homeschool their children and not every state can afford to school their own population. This is why federal funding in necessary. What would you say to those less fortunate?


Free market capitalism works. It is the only economic system that has consistently raised standards of living and destroyed poverty. Our consumer products improve in quality constantly because people will always choose better products at the right price. Why does this practice not apply to education? The cost of education goes up, up, up and the quality and results go down, down, down. In my county only 10% of students are at or above grade level. 90% are behind. But we graduate 85% of our seniors! That’s failure.

If families purchased the education that is best for their children, like they do everything else, good schools (or systems) would flourish (profit) and bad ones would disappear. And “goodness” is defined by what the family believes best serves the child. Nobody cares more about a child than his/her family. Safety nets and some standards would be in order. But let’s face it, what we are doing does not work. I am volunteering this year to try to save a 5th grade boy who CAN’T READ AT ALL. The school has failed him and many other kids and they don’t care. They are following the federal protocols to bring in the most revenue, not the best results.

Home schooling is really taking off because of this failure, and the home-schooled kids will rule the world if we don’t repair or replace public schools. It would be a two-tier society.

I think education should be PRIVATIZED but it can’t be done in one big step. Eliminating the federal dept of education is a start.


Exchanging one gov’t for another. I live in Tn. What do the policies in Vt or Ca have to do with Tn? Let each state determine what is best for the kids in their own state. I certainly don’t want crazy liberals in Calif. influencing the methods, curriculum or culture in my grandkids lives. Children would do much better reading the Bible as opposed to Heather Has Two Mommies or whatever the book is.


if there are any salvageable systems within the US Dept of EDU, then i say we take and utilize them for the new we will create. However, education begins in the home, and we’ve really got to get parents to understand that they are responsible for their children’s education, wether they send them to a school or Homeschool them. In my family’s work we are creating a new way to educate using our personal development company to customize and personalize education… beginning with who the child is… the child’s dreams and desires, natural abilities, interests and skills… we need to hold space and create a safe and nurturing environment for our kids to develop in their own ways because they come in knowing better that we do, what they need and how they learn. as thier parents, we are their Stewards.

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i love different opinions, thats why I’m here. I dislike people who use their religion to force other people to live the way they want. Its UnAmerican and UnConstitutional.


This is a very surprising and hostile position to someone disagreeing with your proposition. Why do you assume that he has demons. He stated that he doesn’t think the church and government should interact and you decide to curse him and proclame that he has hated or is Christian phobic? Very strange way to have a discussion.

New earth won’t need hardly any government. There will be communities where children are educated and want to learn what they love to do or want to do since they will know what that is. Everything old system/old energy has to go. We will be working 20 hours a week and doing what we love and being of service the rest of the time. If you don’t know what new earth is then read up on ascension and the new earth Age of Aquarius. We’re in it.


That sounds like commune, Mollie.

Dept of Indoctrination needs to go!!!


Almost every subject taught in K-12 schools works the same in Tennessee as they do in California. 2+2 is always 4 (until you become a theoretical physicist), the English alphabet is A, B, C, …, everywhere. Having some sort of national competency standard for the basics of education assures that we are educating our populace to a bare minimum level.

Children should probably read both and be allowed to decide for themselves what they believe as opposed to living under some nanny state that takes those decisions away from parents and children.


How about we agree that our Constitution and Laws were created with Christianity and Morals in mind and just go back to what is says about the Federal Government’s rolls vs the States rolls. Childrens matters belong with the parents and then they give the marching orders to the States and Local entities.


Taking the Bible out of the schools in the first place is one of the reasons our country is in the mess that it is. There is no religion being pushed, only the Word of God.

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Woah there buddy. I’m a Teacher and we do care. Parents have to do their part. There is only so much we can do. There are 365 days in the whole year, the school year is 185-187 days.