Clear and concise wording for state propositions

Construct ALL state and Federal propositions to make the intent of the proposal CLEARLY either YES or NO; and prohibit any opposition proposal in the same election cycle.

Every election; voters are presented with opposing propositions that are designed to confuse and trick voters. These propositions often use wording that turns a logical NO vote into a functional YES vote and visa-versa; All propositions MUST retain a YES vote means the proposition will become LAW, and a NO vote means it will not become LAW format.
This political trick has been used for decades in California to trick voters into voting in policies that are clearly not beneficial to the voters, but serve the agenda of the law makers creating the proposition.

I agree. Enforce a ‘clear writing’ policy for all legal (and governmental) documentation. Have you ever had the pleasure of reading the US Passport control’s website? Everything about it is poor - including layout, dense text, broken links, condensed flowcharts - that often contradict itself - and circular speak.

When we were travelling during Covid (I’m American and was living in the UK at the time), we went in a massive loop between federal and state websites to determine what the travel bans/rules/mandates/quarantines, etc were. It was diabolical.

I would suggest everything the government produces needs a Plain English banner and code applying to it.

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