We need to stop cloud seeding and all weather weapons and modification. We can be a world wide influence for other countries to stop.
Continue to test soil for the toxic chems and clean the ground to be restored to the living soil it is meant to be.
All military and NGOs stop funding. We all benefit by Mother Nature being in charge of the weather. The first step is to define the difference between environmentalism and global warming. RFK has done this. Let’s teach it.
Finally. As our skies return to normal, so will our food, our water, and our health.
Yes! Its not only physically harmful but mentally as well when we live under a chemically produced canopy. Plus the thought that our government is poisoning us, on purpose, is just wrong. They are supposed to protect us.
Yes, the powers that were need to leave nature do what it does best, work. Our weather has been so messed up with geoengineering, or chemtrails, or harp that we no longer know what real weather is. Maybe we could only use it for the benefit of regions in a dire situation, for the betterment of a local area. I am tired of seeing our beautiful blue skies sprayed daily with fumes that make our skies white/grey and all these chemicals go into the ground and our drinking water. Our soil is no longer rich in minerals, it is rich in chemicals. Sad.