Citizen 1,2,3

We are a nation of immigrants. We welcome contributing members, but we need a system that effectively facilitates the following:

  1. A legal process
  2. A vetting process
  3. A commitment to uphold our laws and values
  4. Education and training to adequately participate in our system
  5. Have a plan to be legal and independent in 3-5 years.

The U.S. Government holds vast tracts of land, and also means to acquire it. I am proposing to develop a new city planned with modern techniques, thoughtfully and cohesively planned out. The purpose is to build and operate everything we experience in the cities and rural areas across the U.S. in a single location focused on the immigration process and providing opportunities for education and apprenticeships with major corporations. Incentivize US businesses to commit resources to training and production facilities. With a wide range of skill sets, assets, equipment, technology and educators we can empower a new workforce. The U.S. is at a point where skilled laborers such as welders, plumbers, carpenters, etc. are retiring at twice the rate at which they are being replaced. I would love to see a full city that needs doctors and nurses, builders and architects, DOT laborers and mechanics, bus drivers and pilots, hospitality workers and chefs, janitors and teachers, from dishwashers to engineers from farmers to lawyers, come together and work towards a real opportunity. After proper vetting, a documented legal process can begin with Citizen 1,2,3. After 3-years enrolled in the program showing they can be a productive member of our society with the education and training in one or various disciplines, the corporations they’ve trained with during their time can opt to hire them full-time for a short tax benefit for enrolling in the program. An individual that shows promise and has not caused a disturbance can be fast tracked to citizenship in 3-years, no more 10-years waiting in line and unable to fully participate, clogging up the courts and costing billions. During the 3-years in the program, any disciplinary actions warranted for such actions as theft, destruction of property, DUI, domestic violence, the individual is deported and cannot participate in Citizen 1,2,3. Make this a program known around the world that will attract the best and brightest to give back. Imagine engineers from around the world working together on new technology, doctors from India and China working on new cures, working age men from Mexico learning new welding or building techniques, or a single mother from South America opening her own food truck to share her grandmother’s best recipes.
Citizen 1,2,3 can leverage our best assets, our land, our people and our love for the American Dream to make a safe, sensible legal immigration system that benefits us all.