Child trafficking should result in death if you are found guilty. This is a huge issue our country is facing and I think we need a reform to fix this issue. I think we need harsher punishments for these types of crimes. As well as SA against children, and child abuse. I think if punishment were harsher it would really make people stop and think before they act. We need to SAVE THE CHILDREN.
I agree but let me add that the system currently needs to be overhauled so victims don’t get left out and afraid. They need a safe place or both to tell authorities. The chain up the Foster or CPS is broken. Currently there are many in those positions who get paid well to not have the child’s best interest.
There is a 3mon baby girl who has been a victim of MK Ultra and trafficked. The gal I am thinking about is now 27 and is on the run because she’s been putting bits and pieces of her story out on social media. Her and her mom have records from the foster, CPS and police reports that go no where.
Victims need a safe place to tell their story period. Hold the agencies and pimps, ect…who have been taking $$ need to be accountable.
Her post just today;
I have been screaming underwater forever, and no one heard me even when they had the evidence in their hands. My pimps have sent so many snakes to intimidate and scare me. Right before my mom adopted me, my FEMALE pimp sent a man to hurt me.
I was assaulted with a glass bottle in 2011. They had the evidence. My blood was in his truck and all over Magnolia Ave when I got away and crawled home. He was caught with a video. They let it go because who was in his back pocket.
CPS reports go back to when I was a 3 month old baby, and they kept going. No one did anything even when evidence was found.
The man at the end… I have said his name, and you have seen us pay the consequences. He works in Simi Valley with authority in his back pocket.
I have many receipts that have been distrubuted around the world. Some people are still alive, and there are other MINORS on the cases. If I don’t redact it, we will be in a war that can be hidden and made to look like Santa Claus and the Tooth fairy did it.
How much do you need to see? Why should more than this fuel your outrage? It’s all been about the children. The child in me died forever ago. I’m still here fighting for all we have left. We do have a de@dmans switch. If something happens to us, that switch will be flipped on, and nothing will be redacted.
If you think I’m a pain in the ass alive, go ahead and hit us so you can see the nightmare we will be in our death.