Change Military Budget Spending Practice

As it stands now the Military has zero incentive to spend less than their budget. If they don’t spend money from what has been allotted to them they lose that amount in their next year’s budget. Smaller units within the military end up buying stuff at the end of the fiscal year (Sept 30) that they don’t truly need like flat screen TVs for their office space or really nice office chairs just so they won’t lose that money next year. We should change the way the military is allowed to spend their funds and not penalize them if they run under budget for the fiscal year. Perhaps we can put no expiration on these funds and allow them to carry excess over year to year, or provide incentives to the actual military personnel that they get a portion back into their pockets of what they don’t spend.


This is exactly what I was thinking as it relates to spending across all levels of government. How do you create an incentive that will keep cost on projects under budget as well as a portion of those cost savings going back to departments or even representatives of government. Perhaps it is based on a sliding scale of cost savings that could be applied to a Congress member if they keep cost in check or below contract values. Another word whoever participates in the contract and does their job diligently should be rewarded a portion of the cost savings with the rest going back to the US taxpayer.

I agree. What company can stay in business with this practice. Set a budget, only spend what is necessary and return the rest. If you justify the need for more, than ask. Either way it shouldn’t change your budget the next year. Don’t punish a unit for saving money.
Another issue is the ability to local purchase items. Currently you have to use approved vendors. Even if it cost more. This is insane.

Military has a massive budget issue in spending. we hire contractors to do what was once a military job (Should still be a military job). we overpay for everything! when a hammer that you could get at Lows for $25, it cost the military $80 and made from the worst materials known to man. When most civilians hear the term military grade and get a happy bubble feeling. All those that have served would run the other way. Military grade at one point in the past meant something and now it is subcontracted out several times over to produce a P.O.S. product.
Want to cut cost here, have quality control department and buy good products made in the USA that last and last. Get rid of the mafia that runs our supply system. Stop letting them buy 400 hammers that fell off the back of a truck in Subic Bay and up charging 800%

The Facility on every base is below standards everywhere I have been, and this is also due to contractors that don’t do their jobs. They are not sure who has the contract or where the money is for the contract because the money switches so many hands and does the contract to fix these buildings, roads, HVACs, AC units Hanger Bays and facilities in a hole. Military bases are not run by the military they are ran by contractors that were once military and can’t let go of what they were. Hell, you can’t take my own garbage out and toss it away without a contractor complaining.
Want to save money here! Let our construction groups within the military do their jobs with out going through so much red tape. Train them and give them a budget to do their jobs right the first time and we would not have this issue. Get rid of the contractors and sub-contractors that perpetuate the issues.

Within the military are even more contractors. Some do their jobs, but a lot of others do not. Finding these squatters that are waiting for a second or third retirement. These are the jobs that should go back to the military. It is so frustrating to have to wait for Civilian T to ancillary log in from his or her home 20 mins down the road to approve my equipment, paperwork and part. He/She is so out of touch with what is asking for. Causing he/she to denies it and proceeds to tell everyone involved a story of back in my day when he/she was an E/O something and he/she need BLA, BLA, BLA.
Good example is my Security Manager is a GS-13. That if a situation happens off working hours, I can not call him because as soon as I do it is over time, and I will get in trouble for that. When this person could be an active-duty personnel and can be called 24 /7 if there is an issue with out fear of getting in trouble.
Let’s solve this issue by removing all contractors that are in the military and give those jobs back to the military. A GS-13 doesn’t need to sit in one spot for 30 year and do nothing. This creates a complacent worker that ends up sitting there doing nothing. All military are on call 24/7 (unless special situations) but we as a military can solve our own issues.

During the Obama years it was announced that we are going to cut back the military to cut cost. The military being what it is started at the bottom by kicking out their working force just to increase the upper chain of command that loves sitting on their rear-end to collect that paycheck.
This is a BIG one you want to solve this issue start at the top and work down. There is no reason why you need and two or three O9 in charge of a small groups of people. Or having an O7 at walking around the golf cores all day. While everyone else is working. Cutting the fat in this way will free up things in a big way for all branches.