Change HUD policies to remove "housing first."

Housing first under HUD is a federal policy that mandates you cannot receive funding from the government to help un-sheltered Americans unless you refuse to administer drug testing, and agree to providing housing to all applicants regardless of drug use.

This policy is harmful to millions of homeless families across the US. it needs attention. It prevents organizations that really help families escape the pattern of poverty and homelessness from getting needed funding, and continues to create a welfare state giving handouts, creating government funded drug housing, and making it impossible for families to find safe housing if they are truly trying to escape drug use and it’s influence.

Allow clean and sober facilities and programs to do more than just say so, by putting teeth back into the policies so that if residents violate drug use rules they can enforce them without fear of losing government funding.

We won’t see the homeless issue in this country decrease until we stop giving handouts and creating consequence free environments, that literally cripple the most vulnerable from getting healthy.