Howdy Americans!
We could get the entire boarder wall done in one month…
So I went to a common estimation site and got a quote.
12 foot tall fence, made of cheap chain link is less than $100k per mile INSTALLED. All materials and labor.
Install cheap steel lookout towers. With simple .50 cal turreted rifles… Twice per mile and set back from the wall by 10 feet or so on 20 ft pole. Load them with thermal imagery… control them with STARLINK. I am a robotics expert… put the contract out to bid to design the system… you will get at least 100 guys like me salivating over the project… I estimate that you could get the “boarder wall defender turret” built for $50k per tower. Full monitoring and response… and you could train any regular USMC Marine to monitor all 3000 cameras… or put 10 guys on it… Video analytics are EASY for object recognition. The cameras are always looking and when they see something they bring it to the attention to the guard on duty… who then takes control of the turret, acquires the target, gets the appropriate permission and responds.
There you have it folks: ZERO illegal boarder crossings for $200k per mile. …and if you give the contract to me or somebody better it will be completely designed in 3 months and finished before 2026.
You don’t need a fancy wall with nobody looking at it… You need a cheap, stupid 30 second barrier… with guns that can respond in less than 30 seconds. Kill a few drug dealers who read the sign on the fence and then choose to try and cut it down, and you won’t even have any attempts after a few weeks…
JB of 35Engineering