
There has to be guardrails built in where domestic and foreign governments cannot interfere in any way to regulate what is good or bad speech. If the election and Congress had gone the other way, they were going to change laws and restrict speech so they could have more power to eliminate the voice of the minority. It’s telling after 1 day of Donald Trump’s election landslide, I’ve heard 5 different media outlets and influencers suggest speech had to be in the governments hands and X needed restrictions because people talk too freely… I’m sorry but the Democrat party, media outlets like MSNBC, CNN, ABC, etc., and certain corrupt govt officials will never let the free flow of information happen so easily ever again if they can help it because they crave power back again immediately. The mainstream media and government was rendered useless this election, but future elections and information being shared throughout the nation will be public enemy number 1!!! Please look into making free speech untouchable in any form except when it causes harm,and please look into Google, YouTube , Facebook, and all media outlets for being biased to Republicans and very friendly to Democrats. Election interference was at an all time high this past election. If we don’t protect free speech, and at the same time, make sure no one is being treated unfairly regardless of their political views, this nation will be thrust into tyranny by power hungry politicians very quickly. Please anyone reading this, we should look at the 1st amendment being our number 1 concern or America will fail. It’s alarming that George Soros bought over 200 radio stations 1 month before this past election, and he looks to buy all remaining ones nationwide to create a monopoly where only one political ideology is allowed to be broadcast over every single radio outlet across America. That is very dangerous also. What’s next, cable TV being bought up by Soros. Thank you for your time