Cap property taxes for long-term residents

It’s time we cap property taxes for people that have lived in their house for a set period of time. People that stay in their house and pay off their mortgage shouldn’t risk losing their house because of increasing property taxes when they go on a fixed income.


Honestly, if you worked 1/2 your life to pay your land and home off, property taxes should be eliminsted


Perhaps the arguement is better said the we should demand the government to stop extorting people yearly for owning their own property. Why would we want to put a cap on extortion instead of getting rid of it? Extortion is criminal, no matter if it is called a “tax” or a “pink elephant”. Lets stop settling for second best and start demanding the rights given us in the Constitution (the law of the land). The Constitution would not permit a tax on private property…why would we settle for a cap on an unconstitutional event?


Once a long term mortgage is paid off, it is hard to forecast for the increased property taxes which generally increases while investments, retirement or SS do not keep up. Long term, older neighbors embedded in a neighborhood are an asset. Homestead reductions for property taxes are a joke. The guidelines require disabilities, blindness and poverty income to reduce a small %.
Cities and states need to stop extorting retirees and seniors who paid their fair share when their children attended local schools for several decades.


We’ve owned out home for many many years but still have a big mortgage. Things happen, life gets in the way and though it should habe been paid off, but we couldnt.

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Regardless, if you have lived in the same house for a certain period of time, property taxes need to freeze/be grandfathered for the remainder of the time you live in that home. Nobody should ever get ‘property taxed’ out of their home.

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