Neither the executive or legislative branch can cede any authority to global organizations.
The WEF, WHO, or any other entity should not have control over an American’s health or proprty.
Neither the executive or legislative branch can cede any authority to global organizations.
The WEF, WHO, or any other entity should not have control over an American’s health or proprty.
[Treaties do not superceed the Constitution.]
Adding that the US may not be a member in any global / international organization that requires sovereign nations must agree to rules proposed by that organization that SUPERCEDE US LAW.
Voluntary participation is one thing.
Global orgs that want to mandate compliance are another althogether and we should WITHDRAW from any participation.
Stop funding and get out of the UN and throw it out of the United States.
Stopped funding and get out of the WHO.
Create a Constitutional amendment regarding all of this.