Candidate Citation Index & Financial disclosure

We need a policy for poltical candidates that every political ad, speech, etc. needs to have a citation index accessible by a scannable code. Each fact or source can and should be sourced and easily found by citizens. Items should include full context. This will aid citizens in cutting through the fear mongering and dishonesty of campaigns.

Media must also have this same citation index and must be held legally accountable for libel, and subject to civil litigation for dishonesty and misrepresentation in reporting.

Secondly, every candidate should be required to publicly post a searchable index detailing every single item of value donated or gifted to them before, during anf after their candidacy and otherwise. This database must not have shell company names, but be linked to actual individuals and the associated businesses. This information needs to be easily accessible (QR code) and cross-referenced to each candidates platform, policies, speeches, etc. to help curb the purchase of privileges in our government.