Cancel interest rate on student loans

It would just be easier if interest rates would be canceled. This way we can pay off student loans quicker than 5-10 years.


I agree but this might work as good and be more of a savings to payers of these loans

Make All Payments for college and college related expenses (books, housing) tax deductible.

If you’re a parent helping your children though collage or
you’re a hard working student paying ongoing expenses or a graduate paying student loans.

The total amount of these expenditures will become a tax deductions for the Payer of those costs.

Even if you are filing using the standardized deduction, this subtraction comes off before any itemized or standard deduction is applied.


How do we bump up the conversation on this topic? I would love for my payment to actually go towards my debt.

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Hi Mary,

I agree the average 7% interest rate on student loans in brutal, but the government still has to pay $2 billion or more a year just to service these loans.

I proposed an idea to cap the interest rate at 1% so the loans could still be serviced, but borrowers would benefit greatly and, therefore, the economy as well.

Check it out? Thanks!

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