Limit campaign contributions to only people with a primary address in candidates district, county, or state for any and every race. i.e. No funds can be contributed to a Texas senate race from California and vice versa. This includes school board, city mayoral elections, county commissioner’s court, all races.
No foreign contributions and no non-citizen can donate to any local, state, or federal election. No corporate donations and no anonymous donations. Only individuals with a primary address in candidate’s district/area. Period.
This is truly the answer to campaign finance reform. It would bring to an end the influence of PACs and the likes of Soros. It would also end PACs controlled by Senate and House leaders. Politicians would no longer represent a political party. Representatives would represent the people of their District. Senators would represent their State.
The result would be the system the Founders envisioned. The nation was warned in the Federalist Papers to beware of factions. What are political parties if not factions. The Founders were some wise men.