Build New Nuclear Power Plants

The United States should consider building new nuclear power plants to address growing energy demands, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and enhance energy security. Nuclear power is a reliable, low-carbon energy source that can produce vast amounts of electricity consistently, unlike renewables like wind and solar that depend on weather conditions. As the U.S. aims to transition away from fossil fuels, nuclear energy provides a viable solution for meeting climate goals while maintaining grid stability.

Modern nuclear technology has made significant strides in safety, efficiency, and waste management. New reactors, including small modular reactors (SMRs), offer greater flexibility, lower costs, and enhanced safety features. By investing in advanced nuclear plants, the U.S. can reduce its dependence on foreign energy sources, create high-quality jobs, and lead in the global clean energy transition. Additionally, nuclear power generates minimal air pollution, making it a valuable tool for combating climate change and improving public health. Embracing nuclear energy can be a critical step towards a sustainable, resilient energy future for the U.S.


This policy would provide the most universal benefit to the USA, and it is not even close. Don’t built them in areas susceptible to natural disasters, and we can secure our country’s energy independence for all time.


I mentioned in an earlier policy proposal that wind farms should be dismantled. Not only do they contribute a fraction of energy to the power grid but also they kill the local bird and whale population. Solar panels can be attached to top of households and must be made in America as opposed to China; the Chinese-made ones will leak harmful chemicals into the environment when damaged. Nuclear power plants are much safer than their previous versions during Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, and will generate immense amounts of very cheap electricity. Also, the U.S. House of Representatives must allocate a budget to restore the power grid and make it impervious to EMP attacks.


Nuclear is the cleanest, safest solution currently available for energy. Michael Shellenberger’s book Apocalypse Never talks about the massive fossil fuel money backing green energy because it must be backed 100% by fossil fuel energy for times the wind isn’t blowing and sun isn’t shining.


This is much needed for American energy independence! :star_struck:

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100% agree with this. THIS is the energy we need.

Great idea, I came here to post this.

1- they will create immediate construction, engineering and infrastructure jobs
2- they will create STEM jobs for the next 100 years
3- everyone’s energy will get cheaper and cleaner

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Agree 110%. The stigma of nuclear power because of Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, etc. are from reactors designed in the 50’s with similarly archaic safety standards. There are safe 21st century solutions as described here. I’ll also argue the gov’t needs to invest in the R&D for large scale thorium reactors. Thorium is far more abundant than uranium ore and thorium reactors produce a small fraction of the waste and with a very short half-life for much safer waste disposal.


I would also like to add, if no one else has, that one argument is that we do not have enough trained technicians in our country to run these plants. An easy solution is to invite nuclear technicians from other countries to attain citizenship in the US to work here on our plants.

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Molten Salt Thorium Breed reactors are the way, and as a plus when we mine for the rare earths in the USA we get the thorium as a tailing and we have enough in the ground in Mississippi for around 1000 yrs at a 10x of our current energy demands IIRC.

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Nixon had a plan to build 1,000 nuclear power plants. Nixon's Nuclear Energy Vision » Richard Nixon Foundation

It’s true that we now know more about how to build good plants and mitigate disasters or meltdowns. We need more energy to support the current power grid, release the US from China’s grip on our power structure and to propel AI research into a reality. There is only steam and little byproduct from nuclear power.