They have the technology. It’s been suppressed because it threatens the energy companies who are raping us financially. It’s simple - follow the money. The energy that is harnessed from the Earth is FREE and it is abundant, it can never be depleted and it doesn’t harm the earth in any way. No more power failures, no more freezing in the winter or suffering from heat exhaustion in the summer. It’s time to bring in FREE TESLA Energy! NOW.
I’m surprised more people aren’t looking at this. I get that some of the other topics are quite important. But for us to have a cheap form of energy creation through say Perpetual Motion Engines and other Nicola Tesla discovered ways of harnessing electricity. This country could start making a rapid turn around Economically from the jobs it would create from the development and manufacturing of these devices. To the saving of money for We the People’s energy cost, which then could be used on purchasing other things. The stimulation of the economy alone from freeing this up for development and use would easily put America back on top. For once you ease the burdens of energy costs, we could then focus on everything else more efficiently. Because then, you don’t have to worry about the power going out and your electronics shutting off while you are in the middle of creating a way to fix everything else.