Mandate work to welfare teaching skills in work cleaning and maintaining forests, trails, roads, bridges, beaches riparian areas, ECT. they can do fire suppression through picking up brush and fuel loads repair roads, clean up disasters and trash , those that aren’t physically/mentally capable can still watch children cook meals for those that can work.people will learn skills , forests/wild areas will be clean , or people will leave the welfare system this reducing the need
Our forests are a disaster, especially those with the beetle-kill. Our forests need to be tended to and not ignored because tree-huggers got the last word and bureaucracy choked the ability to clean our forests up! Clear-cutting isn’t the best answer…and, where clear-cutting is instilled, the contractors don’t clean up or plant grasses or other trees After clearcutting, the forests must be thinned over time because they are overgrown and crowded.
In addition to civilian conservation corps, prisons could invoke chain gangs for those not-so-high-risk prisoners that would want to reform themselves and make a difference and, from their service, would benefit the public, as well.
I don’t know technicalities to all that I’m envisioning because I’m not a biologist, just a hunter and one that enjoys the outdoors in our National Forests that sees how our Forest Circus has done a horrible job in (not) tending to our forests and shutting down roads for no reason. Our Forest Circus needs definite reform immediately! They all need to be ousted and tended to locally and not in Washington, D.C., where they have no clue what it’s like to be in a million acres of wilderness and dictating how they’re tended to.
I think most people in my local area (Wyoming) have good intentions when they go try to enjoy the forests with hunting and hiking and motor sports but will be ticketed if they cut deadfall trees blocking a road and other stupid reasons for dictatorship. Our elderly hunters are unable hunt those woods where they used to because it’s illegal to take their ORV’s in to get their game out anymore.
The wildlife can’t even get through most of the deadfall because it is so thick. Our forests could easily be tended to by conservation corps or chain gangs well attended to protect from escape. Because of the red tape, it takes a lifetime for any action to happen. That needs to end NOW.
Same here in Colorado the forests are so clogged up with deadwood and thick brush that a couple sticks rubbing together cause massive wildfires that will take over a hundred years to rehab by then all the topsoil has been washed away along with any food for the animals
This is a GREAT idea. I’ve also thought the folks on Wallface could be used to clean up the neighborhoods they live in. Paint over graffiti, pick up trash, clean out old lots, landscape—anything that can help beautify their own community.
I also think that welfare needs to be set up more like unemployment. You only get the benefits for a specific time period, and you have to submit proof that you are trying to get a job/better yourself. Then, at the end of that time period, if they don’t have a job, one will be provided to you. Adding a time period will also avoid the welfare system being drained by women that keep having kids to get more money. Most unemployment is only for 6 months; that should be the standard time frame for welfare.
Amen. Solves many problems at one time. Many years ago, i lost my job and everyone said i was over educated and trained as a carpenter, the state refused to give me training in anfeild. I would have greatly work a cc camp to provide for my family. The best way to help anyone is to put them to work. That gives them hope, skill and a feeling of being worth something.
California forests are devastated every year by conflagrations (wildfires) that destroy habitats and cause BILLIONS of dollars in public and private properties; managing our forests by way of a Conservation Crew could go a long way to reduce these giant destructive fires. Forest areas in California are not currently managed and as a result create a perfect storm for wide spread fires with massive and uncontrolled damage.
This should also apply to the prison system. Currently most prisons systems only have incarceration without rehabilitation back into society. Recidivism rates are through the roof and would save everyone tax dollars on prisons and contribute to the rebuilding of local communities. Yes, I saw Shawshank Redemption, so do these programs without fraud and skimming.