Seeing how corrupt our government has become our congressmen and women and senators and other elected officials have forgotten that they work for us the people we dont work for them and they vote on bill they want to further their agenda that has to stop. I propose this.
Their needs to be a system created through block chain technology that cannot be hacked or manipulated through a phone app or a website that will allow the people to vote on bills and conformation of appointed officals or policies through polls.
The bill and appointed personnel confirmations or policies proposals will be drafted and the congressmen and woman , senators and appointed officials will send that out to the people they represent and the people will vote on it and if the people says yes or no then thats how our Representatives and senators and appointed officals will vote or set policies.
If our Representatives ,Senators and other appointed officials dont vote the way of the people they can be recalled by the people through the app / website and fired from their position .