Better education/ IEP for special needs children

When the Department of education is dismantled, we need better education for the special needs kids. We need more access to special therapies in schools. We need the IEP as well to keep the kids safe. We need more support for caregivers as well.


To expand on this, the entire education system needs an overhaul. Education should become more individualized with more opportunity for kids to learn about what they are good at and what interests them to have value in society. More vocational type schools with free access to a 2 year school or trade school after high school.

Special education needs a lot of work as well. As a mom with a son with ASD, he will not do anything he doesn’t want to do and this is especially important for kids like this. He is beyond his years with intelligents and could really benefit from learning about the eco system instead of an hour of how to add numbers when his favorite number since he was 3 is 152.

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