Ban all weather manipulation, engineering or any other term used to result in the same.
Ban chemical and technological methods used to manipulate weather patterns, temperature, sunlight, or moonlight, any geoengineering.
This includes but is not limited to injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of a chemical, a chemical compound, a substance, or an apparatus or any other means into the atmosphere anywhere in the United States land or water or on the planet for the direct or indirect purpose of affecting the temperature, the weather, or the sunlight or the moonlight.
Violators will be fined 200 million dollars and up to 10 years in jail. This will be a felony.
Nobody should be manipulating the weather which could result in the earths and all those living on it demise. We have a responsiblity to be good stewards and change the behaviors that harm the weather not add insult to injury. We have a need for sunlight to produce vitamin D in our own bodies. Plants need sunlight for photosynthesis. Animals including humans need plants to both eat food and breath healthy air.
This crime is one that is harmful to the lives of all people living on this planet. Thus the penalty must be hight.
If there is an issue with the climate of weather only those who are using the natural ecosystem to bring health back to the ecosystem should be involved in the solution.