I am not calling for a ban on all pornography, as that not only wouldn’t work but would also be extremely unpopular. I am only asking that pornography which sexualizes violence and gross, deviant acts the kind of which is too inappropriate to even name should not be legal. Among young people, the prevalence of things like choking, slapping, and other acts of violence during sexual acts has become terrifyingly common and the reason why is mainly because such a large percentage of pornographic videos portray these acts which young people have been viewing since they were children in many cases.
Violent and extreme pornography brainwashes young women into becoming willing recipients of violence, abuse, and aberrent behavior. As a young man, I have seen in my lifetime, women who’s lives have been destroyed by what is essentially no different from a hardcore drug addiction. Women who tell me they can’t enjoy sex anymore unless they are in pain, women who compulsively seek violent boyfriends. It is a silent epidemic that no one is talking about and its time that we have a serious discussion about it and craft a policy to mitigate this.
According to studies I’ve seen, half of all people with desires of this variety admit to being significantly influenced by pornography. We probably can’t put the cat back in the bag for current day adults but we can prevent the next generation from falling into these behaviors. Before someone tells me, “it is the parents’ responsibility.” We live in a society amongst many other people, and with this stuff being so widely available, it is virtually impossible to avoid people who’s minds have been corrupted by this material and as a result, spread their condition to other people as a result of what they have watched.
The collective moral health of society matters and people developing sadistic or masochistic desires in their private life will transfer that mentality to many other areas of life which affect us negatively. This is an issue that we must address now while we have the power to do something about it and not wait until the issue has become so bad that we no longer can do anything about it.