Ban Using American Tax Dollars to Take Care of Other Countries

We need to take care of America first and there needs to be laws in place that prohibits the use of American tax dollars taking care of other countries. They don’t send us any of their citizens tax dollars to help America. Why are we even responsible for the welfare of other countries anyway? American tax dollars needs to be used to take care of America! None of us should be homeless or hungry. We work to hard for the government to take our taxes, house, and feed the citizens of other countries while our military vets are sleeping under bridges.


Complete support!


I support this too!!! This is our country, billions of dollars given away that we dont have. We have devalued the American dollar! We just don’t have it to give.


Although this sounds great, in reality it can’t happen. What would happen if we stopped helping other countries financially? Our enemies, and i assure you that we have plenty, would step in and build a coalition against the United States. Look at the brics system and imagine how many countries would join it. Enough to take away the dollar as the world currency. That would in effect kill the dollar and make it worthless. Like the Pecos, the Bolivar, and all other currencies it has happened to.


Okay if banning giving money away doesn’t work, what if we have one account with a specific amount of money, let’s say $1 million and Congress or whoever can give so much of this money without the public’s permission. But if they run out that’s it, no refills. Anything larger than that account has to be voted on once per year at the end of the fiscal year.

We need other countries to give some kind of benefits to the money they get from us.


I dont think there should be a complete ban, because think about WW2. The Nazis needed to be stopped. But maybe a cap or letting American citizens vote on what conflicts we want to be involved in


At minimum until there are no homeless people here in the United States


You are right, but I think it’s more of a “put America first proposal”

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Then we need to take care of the American people before we take care of other countries.


I had the same thought! When we have natural disasters I don’t see other countries giving us money!

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Exactly! i don’t recall one foreign country ever sending America billions of dollars to help us. The government we reside under it comes from us citizens in which we work hard for. Then when we need something, we don’t get the benefits of our own taxes.

Yes, I too would like to stop financially supporting foreign countries. Maybe it’s doable…maybe not. I would like to 100% stop BORROWING money to give away. There is no excuse for our government to borrow money against future taxes and just give it away. It is the most irresponsible use of our funds and boy we spend it on some stupid stuff.

I tend to disagree with this.
From issues brought up by @mathteacher to the mention of enemies, there are benefits in financial support including to our trade, receiving money, and overall working with other countries.

I believe at times of natural disasters monies or supplies are greatly beneficial and being able to help is, I feel, a responsibility of a great nation.

@Bree_Dao did mention using specific amounts of money.
The question in part would be is it better to give it to the government or to some aide entity or something else which would be a case by case situation. Thus, having as Bree mentioned a base amount (or % as some countries or situations money would go much further than other) and required votes above that.

Having a specific fund that is separate from funds/programs that are “only” to be used for US Citizens would be ideal as well.

I would add that I see a connection between this and the necessity of “single issue” bills as often it seems this aide gets thrown into some other bill as part of negotiations…

Totally agree America First and always. Lets clean up our side of the street first then decide to help other countries moving forward.

I’m tired of seeing our tax dollars being squandered. END the FED

Biden just gave Angola 1 BILLION dollars yesterday!!! And for what? To promote the evil LGBTQ+++ agenda? thats what obama did in exchange for our tax dollars to promote evil. There are people sleeping in tents in NC and its wintertime, and they have no thought to the US citizens in need. Why couldnt he fund Social Security? Give tax refunds, think of the American people? Pay down the national debt?
THEY DO NOT CARE is the bottom line and they know they can do anything and no one can stop them. This is the reason you vote moral, God loving people into office.