Ban the use of nitrates and nitrites in food

Nitrates and nitrites are both carcinogens. Carcinogens cause cancer. Americans ingest so many meats preserved with these two carcinogenic preservatives its no wonder our country’s cancer rate is so high. Meats such as pepperoni, sausage, bacon, spiral ham, deli meat and hot dogs are the worst because people consume so much of it. They can find much safer things to preserve our food with like celery salt.


I completely agree with you. FDA and other Federal agencies need aggressive oversight to eliminate influence by meat producers/packagers, etc. Purpose of these agencies is to protect all citizens- not big business. Trump admin needs to eliminate all upper-level management and long-term employees who have perpetuated the corporations first environment in these agencies. Hire new people with the correct attitude for citizens first, last, and always.

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RFK is gonna clean house. I’m excited! This stuff has been bothering me for a long time and it’s surreal that it’s actually going to be dealt with and fixed. I’ve been telling people for years that the FDA is in cahoots with big pharma because cancer is a billion dollar industry and it’s all about the money. There are so many things banned in other countries that our FDA allows in our food. Not to mention the GMO‘s and chemicals sprayed on our food. They have turned our food to poison.