Ban the term “antisemitism” as being hate speech

This conversation has gone completely off the rails.

It’s gone from a discussion about banning the term “anti-semitism” to a general conversation ranting about Jews and the Holocaust, including ironically complaining about being banned about stuff being banned.

So it’s like “Instead of banning this one thing, we should ban this OTHER thing instead!”

So, yeah, this proposal was a terrible idea to begin with and the conversation that has spread around it pretty telling.

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You said the Holocaust was not real. I never said that.
Your article about holocaust deprogramming is what I called BS.
Quit putting words in my mouth, and quit lying about what I said.
To get back to the point. No words should be banned from public discourse.
I’m done!

So glad you agree!

I referred to the holocaust hoax, in passing initially, and you took that and ran with it, saying their are some plaques on the ground in Freiburg, and some crematorium ovens in Dachau, which I consider to be irrelevant to the question of whether or not it was a hoax. I did my best to provide you an opportunity to have a rational discussion surrounding the topic which you picked up on. Sadly that did not happen. Oh well. I’m not sure what lying occurred or what words I apparently put into your mouth, and I assure you, I have searched this thread, to find that point to which you are referring without success, but I do find it regrettable that the tone has devolved into such rancor and frustration. I suppose that the format of reductio ad absurdum does have a nasty tendency to fly right over the head on occasion… Vielen Dank für Ihre großzügige Beteiligung an diesem Gespräch!

In the end, I am glad to find that we all agree; the banning of words is unconstitutionally limiting freedom, and that’s undesirable.

I pray that the United States of America does not join Canada and Russia and many parts of Europe in banning any sort of speech, or making denial of the insidious holocaust propaganda illegal.

Nationalism is the political counter to Communism and Marxism. That’s why Nationalism, such as MAGA, is stigmatized and on the way to being criminalized in the modern day Western world.

(Myth- Hitler put all the Jews in concentration camps, to systematically exterminate them all.

Fact- there is no order given from Hitler, nor any Nazi records, that ever describes a policy of exterminating Jews. They were used as a workforce to support the war effort. Many did die at the end of the war from starvation, and Typhus, however if Hitler was going to systematically eliminate the Jews, why did he wait until he was losing a 2 front war to do so? Why did the Zionist Jews strike a deal with Hitler to move the news to Palestine? This agreement known as the Haavara agreement, makes total sense if Hitler wanted to expel the Jews, not to exterminate them.)

And yet you continue to contribute to driving the conversation off the rails.

Rails, my friend?
Some predetermined direction, or limitation up on the direction of the conversation?

It seems clear to me that the question of the holocaust being a hoax is directly related to a discussion on limiting the freedom of its perpetrators to benefit from that narrative by bleating “antisemitism” every time their communist subversive totalitarian Christian-cleansing tyranny is exposed and attacked.

I can hardly think of anything more directly related.

That being said, the whole point of starting this policy thread was to raise awareness of the tyranny under which we suffer, not obviously in support of limiting any freedom of speech, as Judea has done with H.R.894, H.R.6090 and H.R.7921.
