Ban the oxymoronic term Judeo-Christian as subversive hate speech

The Jews have been driven out of the lands of other nations 1030 times throughout history, for two primary reasons. Christians have been driven out of Japan, once, as the idea that there was a god aside from the emperor was simply repugnant to them…

Aside from the hot topic of blood libel, which says that Jews murdered Christ(which many do admit), and also that Jews have religiously justified the subjugation and extermination, and the drinking the blood of their enemies every Saturn-day (Satan-day), enemies who are basically everybody who is not Jewish, and especially the sons of Esau/ Rome/ Christendom, by indicating that they are as Cattle, subhuman, and fundamentally, not possessing of the same inalienable rights as the chosen of God, the one people, the Jews, a topic difficult to stomach, and even harder to substantiate, unless you care to listen to any of the rabbis who speak with impunity on the subject, there is the easily identifiable and mutually agreeable topic of Usury.

Usury is a fundamental point of division in the organization of society, which should prohibit the conjoining of these two schools of thought. The Tanakh actually forbids the Jews from practicing usury as well, but they disregard this in favor of the Talmud, which teaches them anything you can steal from a non-Jew is yours to keep.

One idea is that more should be returned than was lent. This ends in the lender, through the miracle of compound interest, shortly owning all of the goods in the land, without effort or toil, and making slaves of all others.

The other idea is that one should not spend money one does not have. This ends in everyone toiling, contributing, and surviving by the fruit of their own labor and the sweat of their brow, wherein high moral character, and diligence receive their due reward.

For these and many other reasons, I propose that the oxymoron of Judeo-Christian should be banned as hate speech, due to the subversive nature of confounding sharing one holy book, the Old Testament, or Torah/Tanakh, with the reality made clear by irreconcilable differences present between the New Testament, and in the Babylonian Talmud, which are the newer texts of each tradition, bearing most poignant relevance to the practices observable today.

Judeo-Christian makes about as much sense as Fox-Sheepism.

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