Ban the Multi Level Marketing system

Multi Level Marketing companies, everyones heard of them, knows someone that is in or has been in one. They range from hair care to phone plans. Cutco, Smart Circle, Amway, Monat, Young Living and many, many more. They run a illegitimate business model which thrives off of the back of people, which in a large margin make less than 10K per year. They sell a dream of ‘generational wealth’ ‘passive income’ and several other buzz words like that. While it may be true for the top .001% of these companies, a majority of the people in them make nothing, and can go into tremendous amounts of debt. We live in a world where businesses are beyond corrupt but these companies thrive off of false income claims, false health claims, and constantly have many, many lawsuits against them. The people in them will defend this, but ask them to either tell you how many people are in their ‘downline’ or ask them how much they actually made since they have started. All it takes is one Google search on any of these companies (and many others like it) and you will find the scam that they run.