Ban Smart Phones from Schools!

Vice based industries have been targeting children for a very long time. Almost all vice based products are banned in schools as a result of how they effect our children and their education. Smart phones-more specifically the applications on them-are no different. Our children cannot resist the applications that scientists have made to make irresistible to adults.

Our teachers should not have to compete for a student’s attention with a vice product.

Our children surved a century of public school without cell phone. They are not necessary for public education.

Opponent of smartphone bans usually devolve to fear mongering. “But…but what if I need to contact my child???”

You can call the school to send your child a note or get them on the phone. No cellphone needed.

Ive seen phone companies moving back to producing cheap dumb phones, I think they are already preparing for this. They can be purchased if parents can keep in contact with their children without fear of losing their children to big tech at school.


Agree. No pagers either. Public phone access.

The education system sucks though, so everyone wears nikon900s.

In the younger years, yes, but these teens are moving into a world where they are surrounded by technology 24/7, and in 2024 that isn’t realistic. Honestly, they can have access to a way better education online vs. being trained by teachers that are themselves indoctrinated and desperate to hang onto their job instead of evolving. It’s a deep subject.