Ban porn

Porn, selling nudes, giving away nudes, prostitution, acting in a porn, should be illegal.
This type of indecency degrades culture and society. It send the wrong message from a strong nation, to allow, mainly wemen, to sell their bodies for money.
It does not make a good impression of a healthy society for children growing up in this culture. Seeing wemen dressed like prostitutes, when the sun goes down, is not a healthy community.
Children are the most innocent and pure members of our species. They should not grow up in a culture that supports pornography.


America is the land of the free, why should we be banning more freedom that we have? There is no way to have a full blanket ban of porn as there is so much of it. This will just cause government to waste even more money on a helpless war on porn.


No. This is nanny state crap. You dont like it? Dont look at it.

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We have laws against murder, rape, theft, pedophilia. Are those the freedoms you speak of? No, they are detrimental to the fabric of society and for the good of us all. I believe pornography hurts everyone involved; in the creation and the audience.
Everyone is free to express themselves sexually, in the comforts of their own home, or give yourself away for free if that’s how little you think of yourself.
Sex is a sacred act, it shouldn’t be leveraged for profit. It should remain in the bedroom of married men and women. Thats what makes it special, and it is the foundation of a healthy society.


You cant let government decide what is and isnt sacred due to marriage. let humans do what they want. If a consenting adult wants to post it on the internet, they understand what they’re doing and allowing another consenting adult to view it. Even if you do ban it how will you enforce it? People will still share porn with each other and people will use VPNs to get access to websites, or do you want government to spy on Americans even more? Those things you listed infrindge on another persons right by ending their life or having forced sex without consent. Porn is consensual regardless about whatever you think about the two parties involved.

Those are acts against others. Freedom doesn’t include hurting or stealing from other people. Pornography, prostitution, etc is not a crime against another person. I am not a person who cares anything about pornography, but I believe people should have the freedom to do what they choose as long as it doesn’t physically or financially affect another person. You believe sex is a sacred act and you’re entitled to that belief. Not everyone shares that belief and that’s the beauty of freedom.

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Any sacredness aside, no one can deny, that everyone involved in porn, suffers. They do it to themselves, just as drug users make and use fentanyl, heroine and cocaine. It’s illegal to use those drugs, even if it’s strictly personal use. The glamor and money make it a shiny thing for anyone naive enough to get hypnotized by it, before they realize they are in too deep. We already make laws so companies don’t prey on innocents and are deceived.
We also license the public to fish and hunt. It’s a constitutional right, yet for the sake of management, our freedoms are limited, so we don’t harm ourselves by making game extinct.
We have legal border inspections from state to state, looking for produce and insects/ diseases. It’s a violation of our rights, but the courts have declared it’s necessary infringement for the greater good.
We have all kinds of concessions, so that the world is a bette replace for our children, the next generation. No one wants to have a daughter and encourage her to be a porn star. Pornography is vile and degrades society, sending a wrong message to the world about our morals and values, even if we can’t agree what they should be, pornography is still in both of our ‘negative benefit to society’ list.

Yes, some people get into pron because they feel it’s their only avenue for success. Some turn to prostitution. Some turn to drugs. Some to self harm. Just because you or I think it’s a bad thing, those things (typically) still only harm themselves which sets the apart from things like murder, theft and rape. As for the other points you made; inspecting produce to prevent the importation of an insect that could destroy our crops doesn’t infringe on our rights. It prevents possible annihilation of our own country’s produce. Fish and hunting licenses are BS to be sure as is, to some extent, deciding when and how many of something we can hunt or fish. Again, it goes to ensuring those fish and animal can continue to thrive for future generations. I understand the point you’re attempting make, but they are not the same thing. People have been making porn for a LONG time; there’s just much easier access to it. If some girl feels she is out of options and porn is not there, prostitution still will be. Either way both should be legal. People want to say “My body, my choice” where it comes to abortion or vaccine mandates, but porn or prostitution should be illegal because we don’t like that one…

Pornography is actually very detrimental to the mental and emotional health of the users and can become addictive, just as drugs and alcohol are. It rewires the user’s brain and causes them to not be able to climax during the actual act of sex and they cannot seem to climax without that visual stimulation that porn offers them.
It has also ended up becoming easily available to our young adolescent children through online sources, which is very detrimental to their brain development and instead of actually getting true sexual education, they are getting their sexual education from pornography and they believe that the things they are seeing there are real and true and it creates an issue of REAL women or REAL men not meeting their standards because they don’t look, act or do the things that the people in these videos do.

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Our 4th amendment right to travel is (absolutely) infringed by agriculture checkpoints. Yet it’s necessary for the greater good.
Our (constitutional) right is absolutely infringed by not being able to cast a line in public (we need zero license for our own property) to feed my family… yet for the greater good… as we agree.
I’m required to be conscripted to the draft (which I’m absolutely for). To be called into war when my country needs to be defended. That’s basic involuntary servitude, yet an essential part of country and patriotism. Yet it’s illegal for people to have slaves for personal financial gain, among many other reasons. Service my country is different than serving an individual. Everyone can make that distinction, but what’s the real difference? Not much, when you realize you didn’t vote for the person that’s sending you to war for a bullshit reason.
There is no ‘my body my choice’. Women say that to abscond from responsibility. They are easily manipulated, convinced and persuaded. before they know what’s what, the hooks too deep and the damage is done. There are laws in place to prevent companies to prey on naive or vulnerable customers. Selling your body for profit, should be one of them.
Porn is detrimental to everyone involved, creates false expectations and fallout from its use. Our schools and society were healthier and more moral, before planned parenthood put Sex Ed into the school system.