Ban mRNA Vaccines in our foods!

Currently UCR University California of Riverside has been conducting research and testing mRNA Vaccines in our food starting with lettuce and spinach. All of which is being funded by YOUR Tax Dollars.

Our food is on the verge of being poisoned with “Transgenic Edible Vaccines”!

They want to induce vaccines that activate once ingested without our consent and will be put in all of our food from the markets. This is outrageous how can we allow them to vaccinate us with no consent? What happened to do no harm? This needs the attention of all the American People.


I absolutely agree! This should be one of the top issues right now and its sad that most people don’t know about this. This is an absolute crime in my opinion.

Please remove anything Bill Gates has to do with our food supply. Injecting MRNA into produce and livestock is a health risk to all humans and animals!


The State of Tennessee passed HB 1894 into law in April 2024. This should be a Federal law. 18 states are looking at similar bills. It is unfortunate that more people aren’t aware of the activities of big agriculture and big pharma. The State of TN tried a labeling bill in 2023, but it was shot down by the TN Farm Bureau legal team as they said it should be a Federal discussion instead. That year Marsha Blackburn took it to Washington with no luck. IN 2024, it was reintroduced, but with a different objective. Watch and share the video below to understand how the State of Tennessee did this.

The challenge is now enforcing this in Tennessee, even though there are fines. When you go to the grocery store and restaurants, if the owners/management aren’t aware of this law, nothing will change and the ‘vaccines’ will make it into our food supply.

I did find one restaurant that has an onsite butcher. Price and Pint in Columbia, TN. He explained that he has to source his meat from local farmers who certify their meat is not tainted with any type of vaccine like this.

I met with the head of pork division of JBS Foods in California at a Sysco event and he said there is no way their company can figure out which swine is vaccinated or not as they slaughter and process a million pigs every day just to feed California. That is very unsettling.

If anyone is interested, there is a document below that explains all of this with links to many sites on where this originated. It all started with the concept of an edible vaccine by the World Health Organization over 20 years ago.

Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Denise Sibley, and Dr. Brooke Miller all wrote support of this TN Bill.

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I’ve heard this is happening in meat products as well, especially Pork. Ban mRNA tech from food entirely!