BAN insurance companies from refusing coverage for treatments/procedures that a patients physician deems suitable, and/or the right course of action

Far too often patients are denied the treatments/procedures recommended by physicians because of insurance declining coverage.
If a patient holds insurance and a physician deems it suitable to order specific testing/treatments/therapies/etc. Why is it that the insurance companies then have the final say in whether that is the right route for the patient? Why does that patient have to go through countless “alternative” options before they get approved for the original order from the physician? Increasing the chances of delays of medical diagnosis, increasing chances of incorrect diagnosis, and generally speaking potentially disregarding the patients quality of life.
If insurance companies have “the final say” in approval or denial of an intervention that a patient may require, then what is the point of a physician?

For reference: Out of pocket costs
(to avoid insurance approval/denial)
for medical care is an entirely separate issue that should also be addressed in a separate policy.


I disagree. Private companies should have the right to define their terms of service within minimal government regulation. If we want better coverage and better healthcare, I think we need fewer regulations. Not more. The Affordable Care Act should be repealed. If we truly value healthcare for all and want the government involved, then we need to reconsider the concept of universal government healthcare. Because regulating private companies into oblivion as a proxy for the sake of toeing a party line seems ridiculous.

And/or that the insurance company should be held accountable for anything that happens to a patient (i.e. death or harm) while they are waiting for the treatment that their doctor has suggested. Sometimes appeals to the insurance company can take months, or even years and by that time the patient has suffered, when they could’ve gotten something fixed much quicker if the insurance had just approved it in the first place.

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I can respect your view, however medical decisions should remain medical decisions, and not someone that does not have a medical degree looking at a flow sheet and not the patient.

Miranda Please see my post “ Increase the number of Private Practice Physicians, Increase Provider Autonomy , Decrease Regs”. Some of your issues could be remedied by my post and possible further regulations. My executive order addresses a ban on prior authorizations and precertifications… Scott

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I agree ! See Reforming Medical Insurance and Patient Care Decision-Making