Ban Hedge Funds From Buying Houses

Homes have gotten too expensive and while there are many reasons, one of them is hedge funds buying them up for more than what normal people can - especially the younger generations.

This bill could take several forms but honestly Senator Merkley from Oregon has a bill that looks pretty good.

Some say this should stick just to single family housing which would be one way. It could look like forcing a sale over the next 5-10 years and an incremental tax increase on entities that own more than 5, 10 homes or just keep it to permanent capital.


Totally agree! If hedge funds or big investors want to buy giant apartment complexes, that’s one thing. But buying 5,000 or 10,000 homes that should be owned by families, is driving the price out of control for most Americans. A home was never meant to make big corporations big profits. A home is a basic human right for all people across the world and should stay that way.