Ban foreign nations owning US Land and Properties

We need a policy that makes it illegal for foreign nationals, businesses, and governments from owning land in the United States of America. This will exclude embassy’s and official offices that are selectively approved.
Any land currently owned is subject to forfeiture and the owner is allowed to retain the profits of the sale but is not allowed to own any future land. This is an area where we prevent further acquisition and risk. We need to have it stated that only natural born citizens and people with permanent legal status are allowed to own land in America.


I don’t think foreign companies owning businesses and land in our country is wrong, but when the are forming secret police forces and committing treason on our soil, they should be tried in our courts convicted for their crimes and their land & business confiscated and sold to an American.


I do believe it is wrong because currently China owns a lot of farmland and residential properties in the Midwest. A lot of other countries are buying property /buying houses and turning this country into a country of renters! There is no other country in the world that allows you to buy property unless your citizen. As someone who just bought a house that was a rental property, I know that these companies don’t care to Improve and take pride in the home as much as a homeowner would.


So, you would ok OK with foreign individuals owning land, such as Chinese nationals?

I think it should be a Military trial, not through our civil or criminal courts, through Military courts.