Ban Fluoride and Clean Our Water

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Hawaii has banned fluoride in their water for a long time. Their outcomes / improvements with water far exceeds the outcomes of the mainland U.S.

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I can see this is a very emotional issue for you. For me, it’s not emotional at all because I understand that voter preferences create election outcomes that result in policies that have predictable outcomes, which is precisely what happened in Flint whether you acknowledge it or not. Nobody needs to take a field trip there to read the timeline, know the facts, and draw a rational, logical conclusion about those facts that will be disturbing to people who are, for whatever reason, emotionally invested in the issue.

Your emotional investment doesn’t make you morally superior. Insisting that the federal government unconstitutionally steal from people in responsible cities and states to fix problems fundamentally caused by your ‘poor victims’ in Flint is evil authoritarianism. Your morality meter is busted.

This discussion is thoroughly unproductive, so I’m out.

Agree! Well stated Todd strong. Thank you!

Your the only one getting emotional typical online person running your mouth and that cant give your own full name and thinks people deserve to be poisoned because of some political believe and wont do a zoom or meet in flint to talk about it hahahahahahhahahahahah what is your name??? i would like to tag you in a few post so we can have a chat with flint residents dont run away now
Proposed Policy: Federal Accountability for Water Quality and Safety CLEAN WATER - Health - Policies for the People


Fluoride calcifies the pineal gland.

At the very least it should be regulated. Currently there only suggested guidelines, but some towns like Hancock, Maryland have amounts that are over the guidelines of what is safe. I suffered fluoride poisoning and cirrhosis of the liver from drinking the tap water in Hancock, MD.

I vote to ban Fluoride from our water. Removing it will restore natural law & order.

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I read recently there is issue with new york Massachusetts Connecticut ri maine water all heavily containing pfas theres a new law suit starting. Cleaning the water should be priority. Many children are poping up with VERY RARE PHSUTONOMOUS and it is deadly my child included was very ill from it for awhile before treatment had worked i fully belive it was from the water.


Needs to happen quickly. I need to relocate and will not move to a county or town with fluoridated water. All toothpastes with fluoride need to be taken off the market. My dentist was complicit. I said to him, tell me about fluoride being a neurotoxin. He looked pained & said we really thought it helped cavities. Yet, he’s still handing out the fluoride toothpaste. :rage: I quit going to him. I’m doing my natural home made toothpaste which actually healed a bad molar they wanted to do a root canal on. Pain is gone! Took about 3 months of using for complete healing. I was being set up for an expensive painful procedure and dental implants. All about the the money, isn’t it.

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Agree - also need to ban fluoride in toothpaste.

I would like to see this proposal expanded to the addition of any chemicals to our water. I would be concerned that removal of Fluoride would just prompt and conversion to another harmful chemical; rather putting a 100% ban on additives to our water would eliminate a simple switch

Very very well said

We need to get back to primary water and it should be free. We should not be paying for water that flows under us abundantly. Why are we paying for filthy water and spending a fortune on products to clean our water so we have the illusion of safety. Once we clean the flouride and other toxins we can further reduce plastic waste because we will not need to buy bottled water.

At a minimum, information needs to be readily available and the real debate needs to be acknowledged. There were reasons it was added and discussions around negative side effects is quickly passed off as “conspiracy”. Make all data available and have legit debate on its effect on society.

Getting Fluoride out of our water supply is one of my most important topics. Fluoride is a neurotoxin… a poison. It is the main ingredient in rat poison. It should absolutely NOT be in our water or anywhere near our food. I’d like to add… I haul water from my Son’s house because he has a well…good water. It shouldn’t have to be this way… I should feel safe drinking my own water… but I don’t.

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The water supply is an excellent idea, can we also ban it in toothpaste and dental treatments as well. It might just be better to ban fluoride entirely.

Adding flouride is completely unneccesary. No chlorination is problematic due to the risk of pathogen contamination in the distribution system.

We definitely need to remove fluoride along with anything else that can reasonably be filtered out. Contaminates are not only consumed but absorbed through the skin!!