Ban Feminine Hygiene Product Tax

Feminine hygiene products (tampons and pads) SHOULD NOT be taxed. It is not a “luxury” to take care of our reproductive organs, it is REPRODUCTIVE HEALTHCARE. There is no doubt that every living being on this earth was born of a WOMAN. The least we can do is allow women to buy feminine hygiene products without taxation. It is completely unacceptable to be taxed for a natural bodily function and everyone should be able to reasonable see the lack of action taken to give ALL women access to feminine hygiene.


100% agree.
If not free!
Maybe if we all stopped taking the time and spending our money to take care of this it would get the point across.
Wear the blood stained paint to our corporate job.
Fill office chairs with stains.
This is obviously disgusting and not sanitary.
But maybe then they would think hey maybe we should help our women with this?
It’s ridiculous and I would much rather spend my money on something else.
Especially because I spend MORE money on MORE expensive product to not have chemicals in them.