Ban cannibalism

Cannibalism legal in the United States

Cannibalism in the United States is allowed in every state except Idaho. It needs banned in every state! Disgusting!


Yes. Make it illegal .


Did anyone see the ad for the cannibal restaurant that opened in NYC at an undisclosed location? the menu advertises meat from “fresh young bodies”
the other cannibal restaurant opened in LA and was called the Cannibal

Could that include aborted fetus cells being used in our food for flavor enhancers or anything


The practice is effectively illegal, since many of the steps involved in obtaining human flesh are illegal in every state.

I feel this could be tricky because the reason it’s legal in some states is so plane crash survivors aren’t prosecuted for living…

Are there legal loopholes that would allow someone to procure without breaking a plethora of other laws?

Had no idea it was legal! What has the United States come to!

Link to a youtube: Idaho moves to expand cannibalism ban over human composting concerns

Same, I had no idea. It seems things have been happening when we weren’t watching. I’m now a better observer of our government(s).