Ban Big Ag from genetically modifying the mocrobiome in our soil

I think this is something that most people don’t know about and it isn’t talked about enough. Big Agriculture is working to genetically modify the bacteria in the soil. The very soil that has been around for millions and millions of year, these big companies are trying to change the soil mocrobiome in their favor. So basically they want to have a whole monoploy on the food growing business. We are potentially looking at only being able to buy seeds from big Ag companies that can only grow in this gentically modified soil. Homesteaders, hobby gardeners, farmers, all of us will be negatively affected. The effects of gentically modifying soil with be far reaching and catastrophic. Soil blows with the wind. There’s no way of controlling where it goes. When man messes with something that has been around for a very very long time, it never ends well. There needs to be a regulatory body over Big Ag because whatever it is right now, it’s not working.


We need change desperately. Those us who garden can notice plants are struggling with growth. Even purchasing good soil and compost is already tainted . :frowning:

I’d like to incorporate that in this draft

Reclaiming the Soil & Water Commons for Health, Sovereignty, and Sustainability

Please do! You can articulate it better than I ever could.