Ban any and all HOAs

HOAs are an abuse to homeowners and a deterant to future homebuyers. Making crazy policies and fines.


I certainly agree about HOA’s, I live in one and it’s not fun! I’m sure mine isn’t as bad as some but it’s obvious some are “ nit-picked” and some of the worst are never written up because they’re someone’s pet!


Instead of trying to ban every HOA in America, and have millions of neighborhood nazis go balistic, why dont you push for a nationwide organization, where Americans can join and enjoy freedom from oppression from HOAs? It would basically be an “opt out” of HOAs in your speciic area, and when they have an issue about your property, you simply tell them that you are a member of national XYZ organization and have elected to opt out of all HOAs across America, and dont follow their dictates. Let the Neighbor Nazis continue to pay the dues…you redirect yours to the XYZ organization instead.

Yea, everything sounds a bit off at first, until you make it happen. Then susddenly everyone is an expert on it. :slightly_smiling_face:


Anybody have links to this issue so I can research?

I’d like to know about state attorney general actions, if any. What powers HOAs have been given by county (property) governments Any class action cases out there?

Totally agree. HOA’s should be totally banned. These people should not be making laws and policies for us who own houses. They are usually on a power trip and misuse our funds. The state or county should do their jobs and enforce laws of the state instead of allowing these people who own a home in a development make the laws.We try to get the attention of those running the homeowner’s association for a problem affecting our property but they never respond.
In the State of Delaware all ‘developments’ are mandated to have a maintenance corporation. We have to pay for the maintenance of all common areas. We pay taxes but only the city get free garbage removal and maintenance.
The Governor and elected officials are all democrats . I really wish that certain laws were not up to the state because some of us who live in blue states are suffering at the hands of these people. We almost turned it red but too much corruption in this state.

Agree, but I think this is best handled at the state level, not the federal level.

I’ll settle for ability to opt-out.


I inadvertently rented a place involved in an HOA a few years back. It was like the Gestapo issuing orders and mandates and fining people for ridiculous things, like stains from the tree on the driveway, etc. Never again!

Yea, I think it falls under “contract law”…supposedly new homeowners must sign a contract to agree to be part of it when they move in. It is kind of easy to avoid by not moving into said area run by an HOA. Now if one suddenly popped up and tried to incorporate its Nazi-esque rules on my place, I would defy them and drag their butt into court to make them show the judge what contract I signed to agree allowing them to give me orders on my own property. I never looked up any cases like that but it would be interesting to know how that turned out. I despise HOAs (aka: the local prudish control-freak nosey old ladies’ club) and would probably become hostile to them the moment they mentioned attempting to install one in my neighborhood.

How about ban or have the right to sue absurd HOA demands and fines. This makes more sense.

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Yes! Excellent idea!

Oh come on now, Paul…them there ole blue-haired geriatric busy-body Nazis are only concerned about the tidyness of your happy little yard…they don’t mean no real harm by makin’ sure your grass aint a millimeter too far outa place…and all. :laughing:


I enjoy living in a deed restricted community where rules are enforced. We have a contracted management company and busy bodies can focus on something else. They have no power or control. We have Board of Directors consisting of mostly business men and women so they don’t get into the minutiae, they run it like a business not a social society. Our state has laws governing HOAs and we follow those laws with just a few cosmetic rules added in. I think HOAs help protect property values by ensuring all homes are kept in high quality standards. They also prevent unruly tenants and oversee reserve funds for repair and replacement of capital assets. If you don’t want to follow rules, don’t move into a community with an HOA. It just that simple.

Yea, this is America…if the “Waco Folks” liked living like they did, and Nazi Neighborhoods want to live a Nazi-esque lifestyle, they should have to right to do so – we shouldn’t be banning the concept. However, also because this is America, HOAs should be barred from establishiing themselves to include homes or properties of owners who want nothing to do with these OCD overbearing regulations. We have a two-way street here, with plenty of room for traffic going both ways. HOAs are more of a “private club” than a “zoning right”. Personally, I can’t stand 'um and would never buy into one, since I don’t consider my home an investment, but more of a fixed cost. :slight_smile:

2/3 of all homes in America and 81% of new homes are in an HOA. Fees are up 6% to 15% in the last year.

Hitler was popular at one time too! :laughing: Couldn’t resist – just kidding!