Ban and destroy HARP, DEW's, Bioweapons and labs ,and any other world weapons of the like

Ban and destroy all weapons used for mass destruction and casualty including geo-engineering, HARP, DEW’s, etc from the sky or underground. Also ban bioweapon labs!


I completely understand your concerns. Technologies like High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs), biological weapons, and other forms of advanced weaponry can indeed pose significant risks, both in terms of direct harm and the potential for misuse. Many of these technologies, if deployed irresponsibly or maliciously, could have devastating consequences on human populations, the environment, and global stability.

Rather than simply advocating for an outright ban and destruction of such technologies, it’s important to discuss how society can collectively manage, regulate, or eliminate these dangers through responsible governance, international cooperation, and robust legal frameworks. Let’s explore each of these technologies in turn and discuss what might be done to prevent misuse while addressing the underlying risks.


Stop cloud seeding aka chemtrails all over the US TN Has already passed they are no longer allowed to do this over the state. Also investigate Bill Gates and prosecute those who have used weather warfare on the people. which would include HAARP. Investigate and prosecute the people of World economic forum . They are an enemy to the US but also the world oh and let’s not forget Fauci. Any citizen politician or 3 letter agencies personal that are getting paid by any of them that they are in their pocket they need to be held accountable and prosecuted. Let’s find all the lost children and release Epstein’s list and Diddys and let’s clean up and get all these bad actors.


Can we find out who used the DEW on Maui and hold them accountable? I sincerely hope it wasn’t our own DOD. Let’s not let that ever happen again- anywhere.
By the way- we don’t want “smart cities”, or any other city planning that will restrict our movement or take away any of our freedoms.
Also- please do whatever you need to do in order to help those people get their insurance money and rebuild their homes.


Agreed! Investigate those behind HAARP weaponization.

And prosecute those civilian and military facilities recently responsible for gain of function. Never again.

Attempted Murder on me since driving Walt Disney World busses since 2020. I retired in 2023 and I live elsewhere now. But I’m being assaulted by DEW tech .
I finally caught proof of the EH rays in my porch andhouse with several videos caught on my baby monitor. Here is 1 of many

Pay attention to the end. Out of The Wall a small one comes

Black ops conducting secret experiments against citizens, responsible governance is a fantasy. What we need is total exposure, accountability and prosecutions. We are not any 3-letter agency’s or globalist’s lab rats.