Ban Abortion Everywhere

Qualify abortion as first degree murder in every state. Many people don’t understand what abortion really is and what it entails. No woman should be able to go murder their baby but especially when they are not properly informed on what that really does to a baby. Anyone considering abortion needs to watch The Silent Scream. If you really don’t want your baby, give it up for adoption. There are many loving mamas out there and want to be moms who can’t have babies.

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What about the women who would die carrying a baby full term? Or a rape victim? You can’t put this in a box and demand everyone does this because you believe it is just

It goes without saying that a woman who is going to die from a pregnancy would receive help. It’s literally the law. But I still stand by that a rape victim should still not murder a baby. Just because one person does a horrible and disgusting thing to you doesn’t give you the right to murder another human for it. If you don’t want the baby, then give it up for adoption.