Audit/Abolish The Federal Reserve and Introduce new monetary policy involving sound money principles

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 has been a stain on the United States since it’s inception. This proposal aims to audit the Federal Reserve, their fiscal policy, their operations, and their internal process and procedures along with their mandate to determine if it has the best interest in the American people.

If it is found during a thorough audit, that any of the above mentioned audits prove to be detrimental to the American people, then it must be abolished, in favor of a new economic policy for the United States Treasury and how we operate the financial system, trust in the power of the dollar and use gold or other precious metals, Bitcoin, or other resources we hold to be rich in the country, to back the dollar and move away from a debt based economy.

This would involve consumption tax or flat tax implementation and decentralizing the banking system to allow smaller private banks to issue currency backed by the commodities listed above.


This has to happen if the people ever want to be free again!